木曜日, 1月 13, 2011

Behold, MG strike freedom!!!

Finally done my MG SF. It took me quite a long time to complete it, but I am very satisfied with the end product. When reflect back, a lot of time, energy, money, frustration, etc had been spent (probably should be better off spending them on other thing) on gunpla all just for moments like this (the completion of a model, sense of achievement, joy, etc). Worth it or not, I won't say, but I really enjoy it. So, here's my MG SF.

And so, MG SF is now my best MG, followed by MG strike IWSP. As for HG, best is RGM-79, followed by RX-0 Unicorn. SD best is Zaku Gunner, followed by SD strike freedom.

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